Friday, January 26, 2007

Swinging with Spidey

Here's another commission piece for a client. Nothing too drastic, the grand Spiderman swinging in NY. He seems to be a favorite. I get more Spiderman requests than anyone else... altho - I do have one client who seems to be into some of the more unknown heros - his commissions are always interesting... Armor, Knighthawk, Iron Maiden...

As always, comments and critiques welcome.


Jason Meek said...

Awsome! We need to see more. How often to you get commissions?

Sunny said...

Actually, pretty often, but lately I've been up to my eyeballs with family stuff and then lately comic stuff (with Wildstorm) so I haven't had time recently, but I've got several to complete asap. So, within the next month, hopefully, I'll have a couple more.

Unknown said...

great stuff, man!. . . .i really dig your style.

Jerry said...

I'm guessing that guy who likes the "unknown" characters is my buddy Damon?