This was my first attempt at PITT. I've drawn the Hulk before (rather unsuccessfully). My Hulks usually come out like regular superheros on steroids - and somewhat lanky, so I'm pretty pleased with the way this PITT came out. He doesn't look at all like an enlarged Captain America on juice. I must say tho, I have to give Dale Keown some serious kudos for being able to handle oversized characters so well. I never realized how difficult it was to maintain bulkiness without skewing the anatomy.
lookin GOOD sunman! i love this one!
Yes, indeed. I concur with dustin that this drawing is GOOD. I'd like more, if you please.
Thanks my two peeps. You two I think are the only perusers here. HA!
Nice job. Question, is that pencil that you used? You have a good hand. A good feel for the shading techniques.
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